V1:用戶區slip list ,相當于P表(V10)和非常駐缺陷表(V40)的合集;
V4:Alt list ,俗稱為A表,屬于替換表,包含已決部分和未決部分。
V8: servo flaws list w
V10 : P表,主缺陷表,為03模塊,一般為出廠生成,恢復數據必須的模塊。在系統文件和模塊中有指向。
V20: primary servo flaws
F3,A1 Alt (直接替換)
F3,B1 Pending Sec (先不替換,設為未決,實際上都是加入Alt表)
1.G轉P的時候,[V80:常駐G表] 也就是已決部分才會轉入,[V40:非常駐G表]也會轉入,但是未決的條目不轉入,直接被清除;
2.做編譯器再生時,勾選“處理增長缺陷表”,[V80:常駐G表] 也就是已決部分,還有V4里面的未決部分,也就是整個V4都會轉入非常駐G表。
Display Defect Lists (Level T 'V')
This command displays any combination of the user slip list, the system slip list, the
servo flaws list, and the reassigned sectors table.
Quick Help:
"DisplayDefectLists, V[DefectListSelect],[Hd],[StartCyl],[NumCyls],[DisplaySummaryOpt]";
Input Parameters:
0 - Bit Select.
This input specifies the bit select for the display:
If bit 0 is set, the user track slip list will be displayed. If bit 15 is also
set, the entries will be displayed by index instead of cylinder/head.
If bit 1 is set, the reserved track slip list will be displayed. If bit 15 is also
set, the entries will be displayed by index instead of cylinder/head.
If bit 2 is set (4), the alt list will be displayed.
If bit 3 is set (8), the servo flaws list will be displayed.
If bit 4 is set (10), the primary defect list ( PLIST ) will be displayed. This
list holds raw defect position information obtain during drive processing.
If bit 5 is set (20), the primary servo flaws list will be displayed.
If bit 6 is set (40), the nonresident G List will be displayed. This PBA based list
combines the previous nonresident G List with the resident G List at the time of the
last format.
If bit 7 is set (80), the resident G List will be displayed. This PBA based list
holds bad spares and defects found since the last format. This list includes all
bad PBAs found since format. It will have more than one entry for a reallocated
reallocation, for example.
If bit 8 is set (100), the primary DST list will be displayed. This list holds
the defect position information from the PLIST (above) expressed as sector
positions instead of SFI.
If bit 15 is set, the user track slip list and the system track slip list will
be displayed by entry index and entry count instead of cylinder range.
Note: bits may be combined to display more than one list.
Type: Unsigned 16-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFF
Default: 0001
1 - Chosen Head.
If this input is entered then defects will display only for the specified head.
If this input is not entered then defects for all heads will be displayed.
If bit 15 is set in parameter zero ( Bit Select ), this parameter is ignored.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: None (display all heads)
2 - Start Element
For the user track slip list and reserve track slip list,
If bit 15 of parameter 0 (above) is set, Start Element is the index of the
first element to be displayed.
If bit 15 of parameter 0 (above) is clear, Start Element is the first cylinder
of entries to be displayed.
For the servo flaws list and primary servo flaws list, Start Element is the first
cylinder of entries to be displayed.
For the P List, Start Element is the first cylinder of entries to be displayed.
For the G List Resident and GList Nonresident, Start Element is the lowest PBA of
entries to be displayed.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF This value is not range checked and the user
must use discretion selecting input values.
Default: 0
3 - Element Count
For the user track slip list and reserve track slip list,
If bit 15 of parameter 0 (above) is set, Element Count is the number of
list entries to display.
If bit 15 of parameter 0 (above) is clear, Element Count is the number of list
elements to display.
For the servo flaws list and primary servo flaws list, Element Count is the number
of cylinders of entries to be displayed.
For the P List, Element Count is the number of cylinders of entries to be displayed.
For the G List Resident and GList Nonresident, Element Count is the number of PBAs of
entries to be displayed.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0
4 - Display Summary
If set to 99, this input causes a parser - friendly list summary to be
displayed after all other output. Works with V4 only.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: None
Output Data:
If an error occurred, the following information will be displayed.
"DiagError aaaaaaaa "
aaaaaaaa is the Diagnostic Error Code
Slips Output Fields:
LBA - LBA of first good sector AFTER slipped section
Span - Length in sectors of slip
Cumm - Cummulative length of all slips up to and including this slip
Log cyl, hd, sctr, zn, phys cyl, phys sctr - These indicate the location of
the first sector after slip. This address matches the LBA listed
in the first column. Note that physical head will equal the logical
SFI - Symbols from index of the first sector after the slip. The SFI corresponds
to the LBA listed in the first column
Slips Sample:
F3 T>V8001,,10,6
90EB43 2 11 881 1 D2 0 881 D4 5A52 90EB54
90FB09 1 12 882 1 7FA 0 882 7FB 590E 90FB1B
910230 1 13 883 1 682 0 883 683 59C6 910243
910956 1 14 884 1 509 0 884 50A 5882 91096A
91107D 1 15 885 1 391 0 885 392 5956 911092
9117A4 1 16 886 1 219 0 886 21A 5A0E 9117BA
Head 0: entries 22E slips 1BBE
Head 1: entries 187 slips 3B5
Total Entries 3B5 Total Slips 1F73
F3 T>V1,,881,6
User Slip Defect List
log log log phys phys
LBA span cumm cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI PBA
90EB43 2 11 881 1 D2 0 881 D4 5A52 90EB54
90FB09 1 12 882 1 7FA 0 882 7FB 590E 90FB1B
910230 1 13 883 1 682 0 883 683 59C6 910243
910956 1 14 884 1 509 0 884 50A 5882 91096A
91107D 1 15 885 1 391 0 885 392 5956 911092
9117A4 1 16 886 1 219 0 886 21A 5A0E 9117BA
Head 0: entries 22E slips 1BBE
Head 1: entries 187 slips 3B5
Total Entries 3B5 Total Slips 1F73
Note that no header is displayed.
F3 T>V2,0
System Slip Defect List
log log log phys phys
LBA span cumm cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24884 0 FFFFFFFF
16688 268 268 96 0 0 1 2491A 0 FFFFFFFF
Head 0: entries 2 slips 268
Total Entries 2 Total Slips 268
Note that SFI is not currently supported for the system area.
F3 T>V4
Reassigned Sectors List
Original New log log log phy phy
LBA PBA cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI
7CD51F 7CD574 863 1 22C 0 863 22C 51F40 BBM
7E89B0 7E8A05 87F 1 6E9 0 87F 6E9 14A6C BBM
8465B0 84662A 8E0 0 31A 0 8E0 31A 205CE BBM
36BA8AC 6B46255 ----- - ----- 1 7343 1C5 ALT
415B13A 6B46257 ----- - ----- 1 7343 1C7 ALT
4682DC6 4690DFC 4BD9 0 382 1 4BD9 382 950E BBM
980E2FA A0911D4 ----- - ----- 2 AE46 1E8 ALT
10EC8C97 1359A486 ----- - ----- 7 16368 18E ALT
14D8E9CF 1689E9C0 ----- - ----- 9 1A9DF 10E ALT
159F54DE 1689E9BF ----- - ----- 9 1A9DF 10D ALT
16E84BE4 17E41B07 ----- - ----- A 1C9D8 139 ALT
17DEECCE 196C0D2D ----- - ----- B 1EFD9 153 ALT
1858833F 1860FF31 1D5F2 0 20F B 1D5F2 20F 744C8 BBM
19E066FC 19E97E01 1FC8F 1 42B C 1FC8F 42B 2AE93 BBM
Alt Pending Total Alted Total
Entries Entries Entries Alts Alts
Head 0 3
Head 1 3
Total 8 6 E 3 B
Checksum = E964
The drive does not keep information about where an alt came from.
Therefore LLLCHS and SFI are not available for slips, and the
physical cylinder and physical sector refer to the new location in
the spares.
Possible flags in rightmost columns:
ALT sector has been reassigned
BBM sector is marked as untrustworthy (bad block mark)
no write sector is marked as should not be written
no read sector is makred as should not be read
reported (only with reallocation time stamping)
sector has been reported to host
The display summary option works as follows:
F3 T>V4,,,,99
Total Alt Entries: 0
Total Alts of Alts: 0
Total Alts: 0
Total Pendings: 52
Total Entries: 52
F3 T>V8
Servo Flaws List
log log phy
head cyl cyl wedge status
2 8AA0 8AA0 C3 primary + deallocd
2 A542 A542 C2 primary + deallocd
2 A542 A542 C4 primary + deallocd
2 A54A A54A 2B primary + deallocd
3 15B28 15B28 34 primary + deallocd
3 17057 17057 FD primary + deallocd
3 1BBED 1BBED 1C primary + deallocd
3 1BBED 1BBED 2F primary + deallocd
3 1C6CB 1C6CB 28 primary + deallocd
3 1C6CB 1C6CB 2A primary + deallocd
3 25159 25159 B3 primary + deallocd
Log head 0: entries 0
Log head 1: entries 0
Log head 2: entries 4
Log head 3: entries 7
Total Entries B
F3 T>V10
P List
log log phy length
head cyl cyl in symb SFI flags
0 1A4D 1A4D 4B 8A2D1 2 TA
1 1A4E 1A4E 49 8A2D1 1 servo
0 1A4F 1A4F 4A 8A2D1 0
1 1A50 1A50 4A 8A2D1 0
1 1A51 1A51 48 8A2D1 0
1 1A52 1A52 4B 8A2D1 0
1 1A53 1A53 4B 8A2D1 0
Head 0 Entries: 2
Head 1 Entries: 5
Total Entries: 7
F3 T>V20
Primary Servo Flaws List
log log phy
head cyl cyl wedge
2 8AA0 8AA0 C3
2 A542 A542 C2
2 A542 A542 C4
2 A54A A54A 2B
3 15B28 15B28 34
3 17057 17057 FD
3 1C6CB 1C6CB 28
3 1C6CB 1C6CB 2A
3 25159 25159 B3
Head 0 Entries: 0
Head 1 Entries: 0
Head 2 Entries: 4
Head 3 Entries: 7
Total Entries: B
F3 T>V40,0,0,20
Nonresident GList 5 entries returned
Total entries available: 5
PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI
0 1 0 0 0 1 1F7
3F 1 0 0 0 41 8164
5290 19 0 9 0 36D 1032CD
119C2 2 0 20 0 21 83B66
1D48B830 1 0 201FD 0 591 7B12B
RESERVED 1 This bit is reserved for internal use.
POST_FORMAT_DEFECT 2 If set, this is a Post Format defect.
DEFECTIVE_SPARE 4 If set, this is a defective spare.
GROWN_TO_PRIMARY_LIST 8 If set, this defect came from a Glist to Plist merge.
Revision History:
0001.0000 Initial revision.
0002.0000 Correct headers to servo flaws list and primary servo flaws list.
0003.0000 Improve spacing of G List output.
0004.0000 Make GLists (V40, V80) and primary DST list ( V100) default to displaying
whole list.
0011.0000 Combined the PSG Diagnostic Error Codes (PSGDEC) and the Diagnostic External
Test Service Error Codes (DETSEC) into a single set of Diagnostic Error Codes